Exploring waterfalls in Iceland!
I am an Aquatic Ecologist and Taxonomist from the Upper Midwest USA, with a focus on freshwater macroinvertebrates. For the past 5 years, I've worked at different biomonitoring laboratories in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Missouri. In these positions, I've identified aquatic invertebrates to genus or species level from streams, wetlands, and large lakes. During this time, I found a real passion in photographing these critters to share with the world.
Diving into the world of freshwater invertebrates didn't occur until my undergraduate years at UW-Stevens Point, but my interest in water started at an early age. My family would often take trips such as touring the Wisconsin River on the Wisconsin Dells Duck rides and going fishing on Lake Superior. I'm always most comfortable and at peace near water, whether it be hiking along a mountain stream, walking a wetland boardwalk, or visiting a beach.
One of my first research field days!
As someone always learning, I found out rather quickly that the internet is not the most helpful source when looking for quality, accurately identified invertebrate images. That's something I hope to help change over the coming years! One of my goals is to share my images of aquatic insects and other critters, along with some ecological information, to help improve the overall understanding for other scientists, educators, and the public.
Once I get a microscope camera setup, I can create new photos for print and educational purposes. View my current photography projects in the photo gallery. I have two certifications through the Society for Freshwater Science: EPT genera- East and Chironomidae of North America. I have been the primary taxonomist on projects to genus level for most of my career, as well as several projects to species level, including Chironomidae midges, aquatic Oligochaeta worms, and zebra mussels in the larval veliger life stage.
In my spare time, I enjoy woodworking activities, primarily lathe work, scroll saw, and wood burning. I also like to spend time hiking around natural areas. My products featuring invertebrate photography can be found on my shop page. When I have time, I enjoy knitting, playing tennis, and playing piano. Feel free to contact me with any requests or suggestions and check out more of my invertebrate photos on my Instagram page!
Want to know more? View my CV and research abstracts below!
Huntington Beach, California Photo credit: Shay Rochelle Spatz